
Consideraciones glenoideas preoperatorias para la artroplastia de hombro: una revisión

Preoperative assessment of the #glenoid in the setting of #shoulder #arthroplasty is critical to account for variations in glenoid morphology, wear, version, inclination, and glenohumeral #subluxation📄 #3DCT #surgery #orthopaedics #OpenReviews — EFORT (@EFORTnet) April 14, 2020 EFORT Open Rev 2020;5:126-137. DOI: 10.1302/2058-5241.5.190011 © 2020 The author(s) Open access This article is distributed under the

Consideraciones glenoideas preoperatorias para la artroplastia de hombro: una revisión Leer más »

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